Much appreciated!
On 2/2/15, Harrington Matthew P. <> wrote:
> Ger
> Here is a relatively recent Ontario AC case discussing the general rule.
> John Ziner Lumber Ltd. v. Kotov, 2000 CanLII 16894 (ON CA)
> An early American Supreme Court case is
> Ford v. Williams, 62 U.S. 287 (U.S. 1858)
> An old, but pretty good law journal article is
> Arnold Rochvarg, Ratification and Undisclosed Principals, 1989 McGill L.J.
> ---------------------------------------
> Matthew P. Harrington
> Professeur titulaire
> Faculté de droit
> Université de Montréal
> 3101 chemin de la Tour
> Montréal, Québec H3T 1J7
> 514.343.6105
> ---------------------------------------
> From: Gerard Sadlier<>
> Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 8:06 AM
> To:<>
> Dear all,
> I'd be really grateful for any authorities on the question whether a
> principle is vicariously liable for acts of their agent in the course
> of or incidental to the agent's agency, in circumstances where the
> principle is undisclosed to third parties.
> Where, in other words, T (the third party) deals with A (the agent)
> not realizing that A acts for P (the principle).
> Many thanks
> Ger